
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

As Jesus and his disciples were proceeding on their way, someone said to him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus answered him, “Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head.”
(Luke 9:54-58)

Lord Jesus, when someone promises to “follow you wherever you go,” does he realize that you are going to Calvary? You who made the foxes and birds and provide shelter for them have no shelter of your own. Will we be homeless if we follow you? To trust you is to renounce comfort and security. Am I brave enough to do that? What am I willing to risk?

Please help me today to trust you, to listen carefully to whatever you tell me in my heart, and to give up at least bits of my possessions and attractions. First, let me give of my time, of which I have so much, and yet which I want to hoard. Let me offer it to you, first, and then to my neighbors, for whatever I give to them I give to you. Help me to make more space for you in my surroundings and in my soul. Would that I could give you a place to rest your head.

In a poem about unity that I posted, someone critiqued that I failed to mention the homeless, only the young, the old, the sick and dying, and those imprisoned. I did not mention the homeless by name, but they are in all of these categories. I offer for them whatever challenges, trials, suffering, success, and joy this day brings .

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