
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” I did not come to call the righteous but sinners.
(Matthew 9:12-13)

Lord, do I know the meaning of these words from Hosea 6:6? Verse 3 prophesies, “On the third day he will raise us up.” What is more merciful than the Crucifixion, when you give your life for sinners? How can I show mercy?

In Matthew’s gospel, you are addressing those who find fault with your association with sinners. How do I feel about my fellow sinners? Do I think they are worse than I am? You, who are sinless, accept us all. I, who have no right to judge, cannot exclude anyone. Let me reach out to all, in my thoughts, words, deeds, and especially in my prayers.

I pray for the two main presidential candidates, though I cannot, in conscience, support either. If there is no alternative, I will write in another name. Even if my vote doesn’t count, I will pray for whoever is elected and beg you to change his or her heart. I will write letters asking our leaders to uphold basic rights, especially the right to life. Please save our country and our world, as you save us sinners. Guide and enlighten those in power.

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