
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

For as I walked around looking carefully at your shrines, I even discovered an altar inscribe, “To an Unknown God.” What therefore you unknowingly worship, I proclaim to you.
(Acts 17:23)

Lord, I thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to proclaim you through the Gospels and the Church. I beg you to send disciples to those who are searching for you, longing to know you. Give them your Spirit.

The altar to an unknown gods was probably erected as insurance, to make sure no one was overlooked. Still, as Paul points out, they showed the seeds of faith and our human need to acknowledge what is bigger than us.

We are not self-made people in a self-made world. How sad it would be if there were no one to worship. Those who did not know you had to invent gods. You created us with a hunger for you. You sent your Son to fulfill that hunger and your Spirit to sustain us.

By your grace, help me today to act and speak according to the Word you have proclaimed.

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