Reflections Uncategorized

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
(Luke 9:24)

What parts of my life am I still trying to save, Lord? Why do I fear letting go? I know how happy I am when I just listen for your will and respond to whatever you send. Please quiet me now.

I am free when I surrender to you. Only when I die to myself can I discover who I am and who you are. You, alone, are sufficient. All I need is your grace.

Take, then, my freedom. Let me float in you. Take my memories, my pride, my resentment, my inadequacy. Take my understanding, which is constantly judging, measuring, and comparing. Take my will, for it does not know what is best for me. I have nothing that you have not given to me. I give it back, knowing that you will love, nurture and protect me.

Today, I will embrace whatever circumstances and events I encounter, trusting and obeying you. Thy will be done.

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