
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Then Abraham said, “If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.”
(Luke 16:31)

In the underworld, the rich man still thought he could objectify everyone else. He regarded Lazarus as beneath him, even when he saw him resting in Abraham’s bosom. “Send Lazarus to wait on me.” He expects Abraham to send him to notify his brothers, so that they can avoid his fate. It is a bit surprising that in his self-absorption he even thinks of them.

In this world, power and wealth might bring respect, but you, Lord, who give us everything, judge not by what we have but by what we do. When we are attached to earthly goods, we have no investment in your goodness. We will not be moved, even if someone rises from the dead.

That someone is Jesus, your Son, and some would not be swayed even by his resurrection.

Do we dwell so much on this life that we don’t even consider eternity? Do we notice the beggar at our doorstep? Who Is my Lazarus? How can I contribute to him or her?

Please help me to see you in those who repulse me and to remember that they are more than just loved by you – they are you.

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