Reflections Uncategorized

Sunday, January 18, 2015

“What do you seek?”
“Rabbi, where are you staying?”
“Come and see.”

(John 1: 38-39)

“Here I am, Lord. I come to do your will.”

(Psalm 40, response)

Yesterday was such a blessing, Lord. I didn’t write anything, but I received your forgiveness and your very Body. I participated in communal prayer and had time for private prayer. How apt it was that in yesterday’s Gospel, you comment, “I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” We are all sinners, and you came to heal and redeem us all.

What do I seek, Lord? To stay with you, to know you, and to do your will.

How can I find you? By following you, staying with you, and listening to you.

You are the Lamb of God, Rabbi, the Messiah, the Son of man. From Eternity you are God; so you do not need to describe yourself as the Son of God. At a point in time, you came to us by way of Mary’s womb, in the Flesh. You remain Flesh in the Eucharist now, though your human Body had a beginning, just as ours did. Yet, you are Incarnate, not created. There is an end to time but not to life. Let me live my life in you, that I may join you in Eternity.

Just as you went to the desert to pray and be tested, so can we retreat in silence to listen for your Word.

“Come and see,” you call to us. Let us answer, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” Let me enter now into your Presence, not saying or asking anything more.

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