Reflections Uncategorized

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Look at the birds of the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they?
(Matthew 6:26)

Once, years ago, when I was sitting at the edge of the woods, watching birds at the feeders, I thought, “Birds are free because they take what they find.” At the time, I didn’t realize that I was just rephrasing your words, my Jesus.

How free I would be if I stopped thinking about what I need and paying attention to what I have in the present moment! Do birds think about tomorrow? They come back to their source of food and water, and if they should find it empty, they fly farther.

Some of us get upset when something is not in its familiar place, or something new has been added. Why do we resist change? I think it challenges our sense of security. Yet it is that very security that inhibits our freedom. The disciples left their posts, their boats, their livelihoods to follow you, with no idea where the journey would take them. What courage you gave them! Only the brave are free.

Are the birds brave, then? No, they are simply acting on instinct. It is we who are free to choose and we who must be brave to let go. I will not envy the birds, then, but I will pray to be so attuned to your will that following it becomes instinctive. Show me how to see and appreciate this moment.

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