
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?”
(Mark 4:40)

My Jesus, you were asleep in the stern of the boat when the storm began. The disciples, sure they were perishing, awakened you. In the storms that rage now in our country and our world, some would say that you are sleeping, that you do not care. Where is our faith?

I admit that I, too, have been terrified. With your grace, I resolve to renew my faith. “No storm can shake my inmost calm when to that rock I’m clinging.” I will trust in you and not let go.

Calm my soul as you calmed the wind and sea, Lord. This, too, shall pass. I will stand up and speak up, lifting my voice in prayer. If our emperor has no clothes, give me the innocence of the little child who was not afraid to announce it. Give me the courage of truth.

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