
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Jesus heard this and said to them, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have come not to call the righteous but sinners.”
(Mark 2:17)

The Pharisees grumbled that you ate with “sinners and tax collectors,” Lord. In another passage, you remark that these Pharisees wash the outside of the cup only. They focus only on externals. Public sinners were to be shunned like lepers, as unclean who could soil anyone who touched them. Yet how much more deadly were their hidden sins of pride and greed.

You were eating with Levi, who had left his custom post and followed you. Instead of sitting and waiting for the Roman subjects to come to him, he would come to you. You were now his master. You had called him to be healed.

What is the post from which you are calling me? What must I leave behind? Where will I go? How easy it is for me to sit and watch from the comfort of my little niche. Lead me, Lord. Here I am.

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