
Monday, September 26, 2016

[Job] said, “Naked I came forth from my mother’s womb and naked shall I go back again. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
(Job 1:21)

Lord, since the day I was conceived, no, even from eternity when you knew me, I have been sheltered and protected by you through your servants. From womb to tomb you sustain me. I have nothing but what you, in your goodness and wisdom, choose to give me. How, then, can I begrudge anyone anything?

My child is not mine, but yours, as are my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They owe nothing to me and everything to you.

My parents and brothers do not belong to me, nor I to them. We belong, not even to ourselves, but only to you.

Please help me to remember today that everything is a gift; every occurrence is willed by you; every person that contributes to me and every person to whom I contribute is part of your love. Please remind me to say thank you, whether or not I understand.

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