
Monday, June 5, 2017

He had one other to send, a beloved son. He sent him to him last of all, thinking, “They will respect my son.”
(Mark 12:6)

My omniscient God, you knew that the Pharisees would not respect your Son, but that he would save us all. We did not make the world; you gave it to us to tend. We did not make ourselves. We can do nothing to earn your love, and yet you give it freely. We own nothing, but you provide for us lavishly. It is when we forget who we are and who you are that we disrespect you, ourselves, our neighbors, and our environment.

Please help me today to be grateful for the beautiful, bountiful vineyard in which you have placed me. To regard it as mine would be to desecrate it. I would hang onto it jealously, and it would enslave me. Instead, with your grace, I will pause and thank you. I will give whatever you ask, which is a mere token of all you have so generously provided.

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