
Monday, August 21, 2017

And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother for my name, will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life.
(Matthew 19:29)

Lord, what am I willing to give up for your name? It surprises me how small the things that hold me back are. I have no house, no parents, no land. My family is scattered. None of this is by choice; so how can it be for the sake of your name? As long as I offer my losses to you, put you first in my life, and serve you to the best of my ability, I can still be your disciple. I offer you whatever I have, my joy, my pain, my struggles, my successes, and my failures. You fill me with your joy. Grant that it might overflow and encourage others. Keep me open to your will and to the needs of my brothers and sisters.

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